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Error restoring Data Base when migration old server console to new server

I need to migrate sophos entreprie console to a new server. in step (8) : restoring data base, i have error after running this command

"DataBackupRestore -Action=Restore -DataSourceType=Database"

on this path "C:\ProgramData\Sophos\ManagementServer\Backup\DataBackupRestore"


I have this error message :

Microsoft Windows [version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.

C:\Users\Administrateur>cd "C:\ProgramData\Sophos\ManagementServer\Backup\DataBackupRestore"
C:\ProgramData\Sophos\ManagementServer\Backup\DataBackupRestore>DataBackupRestore -Action=Restore -DataSourceType=Database
Are you sure you want to restore database in all? (Y/N)
Starting restore (PATCH subsystem):
Restoring database...
Impossible de charger le fichier ou l'assembly 'Sophos.Management.AclUtil, Versi
on=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=de0bf95988edb40b' ou une de ses dépe
ndances. Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.

DataBackupRestore.exe - data backup and restore tool.
Copyright 1989-2020 Sophos Limited. All rights reserved.

DataBackupRestore.exe -Action=<action> [-SubSystem=<subsystem>] [-DataSourceTy
pe=<datasourcetype>] [-DBInstance=<dbinstance>] [-Password=<password>] [-Exclude
DB] [-S]

<action> The action to be performed. This field is mandatory.
Possible Values: Backup, Restore

<subsystem> The sub-system which the action can be performed on.
Default value: All
Possible Values: SEC, Patch, Security, All

<datasourcetype> The data source type in the sub-system.
Default value: All
Possible Values: Database, Registry, SecureStore,
CredentialStore, All

<dbinstance> The database server instance name.
Specify this to avoid using the instance name from registry

E.g. (local)\SOPHOS

<password> The password to be used to encrypt\decrypt exported

-ExcludeDB The switch to exclude database backup or restore.
Use this with -DataSourceType=All.

-S Silent Mode. No user interaction.


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