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Installing Sophos endpoint on a 32bit OS

 I have been having difficulty installing Sophos Endpoint and intercept x on my clients 32bit systems.

In some syatems, one or two sophos components are missing while on some computers, it didnt install.

Is it that Sophos Endpoint dont work with 32bit OS?

Awaiting kind replies.



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  • Hello David Ibegbu,

    as you say Intercept X - is this the Central version?
    Sophos Endpoint dont work with 32bit OS?
    I assume you are talking about Windows - which versions? AFAIK neither the Endpoint platform requirements nor those for Intercept X mention any limitations related to bitness (though some components have distinct 32bit and 64bit implementations). Could you give some details what's missing or what doesn't install?


  • Yes, i am talking about Microsoft windows 7. I installed Sophos Endpoint advance and intercept x on a windows 32bit OS.

    On some systems, the Sophos AutoUdate is missing. While some, Sophos Anti-Virus and Sophos Endpoint Agent are missing.

  • Yes, i am talking about Microsoft windows 7. I installed Sophos Endpoint advance and intercept x on a windows 32bit OS.

    On some systems, the Sophos AutoUdate is missing. While some, Sophos Anti-Virus and Sophos Endpoint Agent are missing.

  • Hello David Ibegbu,

    AutoUpdate is missing
    just AutoUpdate or all components? In the latter case please check the SophosCloudInstaller log in %ProgramData%\Sophos\CloudInstaller\Logs\

    If AutoUpdate is installed but other components are missing check the ALUpdate log in %ProgramData%\Sophos\AutoUpdate\Logs\, this should tell whether there are download or installation errors. Installer logs are in %windir%\Temp\.
