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Sophos Exploit Prevention causes open delays on several applications


so we added Exploit Prevention to our license but ever since I'm experiencing weird delays on application openings.

I can reproduce it on cmd.exe (i.e. opening batchfiles) MS Snipping Tool, MS Calculator and similar programs.

Lets say you open the calculator by clicking it and then it does not open. You wait ~ 20 seconds an then it opens. (Of cause the users already clicked 20 times and then they end up with 20 calculators...)

I disabled EVERYTHING in the policy (except enable exploit prevention) to check if a setting in responsible for the behaviour but the problem persists.

If I start the very same program again I normally don't get the delay until next reboot. (sometimes I do get it though)

When I disable "Exploit Prevention" in policy and reboot, the problems are gone.

I'm experiencing this on Windows 7 64bit on several maschines (if not all - but I didn't roll it out on all OBVIOUSLY).

Right now I have no idea what to do. I don't feel good with maschines behaving like this.

Best regards

Lars Haberland

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  • Hello Lars Haberland,

    you're talking about Exploit Prevention added to the on-premise SESC? Have it running on my Windows 7 Enterprise, never noticed it's there.
    You should open a ticket with Support as this is not how it's supposed to be.


  • Hello Lars Haberland,

    you're talking about Exploit Prevention added to the on-premise SESC? Have it running on my Windows 7 Enterprise, never noticed it's there.
    You should open a ticket with Support as this is not how it's supposed to be.


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