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Troubleshooting 0000002e and 80070035

This is more of an information post to be honest, but could not find a more suitable place to post it! I spent some time searching for the two error codes that I was seeing, but could not find any knowledge base article that dealt with them directly. Hopefully this post will be useful to anyone experiencing the same problems I had!


I recently set up Enterprise Console (5.5.0) for my Unit, and experienced great difficulty in getting the Endpoints talking to the RMS.


At first I was getting the 0000002e error code.

This ultimately equated to 'The Enterprise Console can't talk to the Endpoint over the network'

Our Enterprise Console is on a server in a 'Servers' VLAN and the Endpoint I was attempting to reach was in our 'Equipment' VLAN

Adding a DNS entry for the 'Equipment' VLAN to the Server Network Adaptor settings helped...



I was then getting error code 80070035.

This ultimately equated to 'The Endpoint can't pull the install files from the RMS'

I added a DNS entry for the 'Servers' VLAN to the Endpoint's Network Adaptor settings...

All working fine now!

Able to 'Protect Computer' and receive reports from them.

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  • Thank you for this. I was seeing 0000002e for just one node when protecting several clients. Your post above helped me fix it: the node's IP address was different from the A record registered in the DNS server against the host name. Once I deleted the A record and created a new (correct) one, everything sprang into life.


    Cheers and Beers!

  • Thank you for this. I was seeing 0000002e for just one node when protecting several clients. Your post above helped me fix it: the node's IP address was different from the A record registered in the DNS server against the host name. Once I deleted the A record and created a new (correct) one, everything sprang into life.


    Cheers and Beers!

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