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Windows 10 support for AMSI?

Does Sophos Anti-Virus (Endpoint Security and Control) make use of the Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI) in Windows 10 so that it can intercept obfuscated malicious PowerShell before it can be executed?


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  • I was eventually told through other channels that it does not.

    Will this support be added?  Microsoft don't mince their words when referring to antivirus that does not support it.

  • Does anyone know if there has been any movement on this since 2017?  Performing some tests on machines with Sophos installed is throwing errors.  I suspect that Sophos still is barring access to AMSI.  Other posts mention Sophos do provide their own API to perform binary scans but documentation is scarce.  I suspect Sophos aren't keen for people to use AMSI as it can be easily bypassed and give false assurances.   If we could get an up-to-date response from Sophos themselves that would be great! :)

  • Response from Sophos 

    From: Sophos Support <>
    Sent: 20 February 2019 13:35 To: Ian Hardman <>
    Subject: [#8641973] Sophos Central Admin Support Request - does sophos end point protection work with amsi? is there a way to scan a binary file in memory (byte array / stream).

    Hello Ian, Am afraid we don't use Microsoft's Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI), we use our own code to detect threats.

    Sophos Endpoint Security employs multiple layers of protection against multiple files, each targeting a different aspect of the threat cycle. Modern threats are developed and tested against traditional pre-execution scanning then delivered via the Internet, requiring additional layers that catch these zero-day threats until pre-execution detection can be updated. Further information can be found within the document 113342  Comparison of Sophos's malicious file detection technologies

    Senthil Kumar Sophos
    Technical Support

  • Response from Sophos 

    From: Sophos Support <>
    Sent: 20 February 2019 13:35 To: Ian Hardman <>
    Subject: [#8641973] Sophos Central Admin Support Request - does sophos end point protection work with amsi? is there a way to scan a binary file in memory (byte array / stream).

    Hello Ian, Am afraid we don't use Microsoft's Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI), we use our own code to detect threats.

    Sophos Endpoint Security employs multiple layers of protection against multiple files, each targeting a different aspect of the threat cycle. Modern threats are developed and tested against traditional pre-execution scanning then delivered via the Internet, requiring additional layers that catch these zero-day threats until pre-execution detection can be updated. Further information can be found within the document 113342  Comparison of Sophos's malicious file detection technologies

    Senthil Kumar Sophos
    Technical Support

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