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how to clean/delete an uncleanable virus

Some of my computers here have some uncleanable viruses/spyware. I have already did the full system scan on the affected computer also, after the full system scan I already restarted the computer. (the computer is installed with endpoint security 9 and is managed by enterprise console 4). Also I already updated the endpoint security 9 to its latest version but still to no avail I still receive the virus alert from enterprise console.

Every time I try resolve the alerts and errors on that specific computer that is infected by a virus it always shows that the virus is uncleanable.

How can I clean/delete this virus (Virus/spyware 'Troj/Gida-A') using sophos?


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  • Hi Pat,

    Yes, I did say that TDSS was a little more tricky. iAstore is one of the files it can infect. I've also seen it bolt into other system drivers. In these instances, your method is the only effective removal i.e. take the drive out, replace the file with a clean version and replace the drive. You can also do the same thing from the recovery console in XP or the repair features of Vista and 7.

    TDSS is a real peach of a virus and well though out by it's authors. Sadly, the only protetion we have is the proactive 'on access' so its clearly vital nowadays to keep up to date with software udpates both SAV and Windows.


  • Hi Pat,

    Yes, I did say that TDSS was a little more tricky. iAstore is one of the files it can infect. I've also seen it bolt into other system drivers. In these instances, your method is the only effective removal i.e. take the drive out, replace the file with a clean version and replace the drive. You can also do the same thing from the recovery console in XP or the repair features of Vista and 7.

    TDSS is a real peach of a virus and well though out by it's authors. Sadly, the only protetion we have is the proactive 'on access' so its clearly vital nowadays to keep up to date with software udpates both SAV and Windows.


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