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Troj TDSSMem-C

Anybody know how to remove Troj TDSSMem-C  ?

OS: Windows XP

Sophos can detect it,  but not able to remove it. No resources is available in internet.

This troj is in memory and associated with "explorer.exe"

Thanks in advance.


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  • No resources is available in internet.

    The entry for Troj/TDSSMem-C says: Please contact Sophos support for assistance. You should do so.


  • Finally I get rid of the Troj/TDSSMem-C after formatting the system disk and reinstalling all the OS and software,

    as suggested by Shophos support center.

    Here I wrote down the my experiences with the Troj/TDSSMem-C: 

    1. First observation: Browser (Internet Explorer 8.0. as well as Fire Fox 3.6.X) crashed immediately whenever we were trying to log in web based email (Yahoo and others). However, web based email service was working well with Fire Fox 3.0.X, Internet Explorer 7.0.

    2. Next day: Fire Fox was crashed immediately after opening (Both versions 3.0 and 3.6), without log in to web based email, and  same observations with Internet Explorer version 7.0 and 8.0.

    3. 3rd day: Not able to login in computer. Computer was shutdown automatically immediately after log in.

    Operating system: Windows XP SP3.

    Except Sophos, no other commonly available virus scanner was able to detect the presence of this virus.
