I was just wondering how many other customers out there would like the ability to turn on Acknowledgement for Malware alerts (Virus / Spyware/ HIP, detection etc) on Desktop Messaging?
The reasoning being that the landscape of Malware has changed quite a bit lately; with more and more infections coming directly from the web, and from legitimate websites. The approach of scorning the user because he / she has being doing something wrong has long gone.
A while ago we would reward our users when they would notify us of a desktop alert. However we are seeing that more and more of the Sophos desktop alerts are going unnoticed because the message disappears from the desktop after a number of seconds. It’’’’s therefore very easy to miss the message, and this can prove costly.
I would say that only 1 in 20 desktop alerts are being reported back to IT by the users. When asked the user simple says they did not see the message.
Further info:
With Sophos Data Control policies, one has the ability to turn on messaging, and decide whether a user needs to accept the warning or not.
Something I believe should be in the normal AV policies. This will then cater for both clients that do and do not like desktop messaging, and for those of us that would like some form of acknowledgement.
Plus I would have thought the Sophos developers could re-use Data Protection code? So everyone is happy.
What would you prefer and why???
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