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Migration to new server

Migrated to a new server with a new identity. Followed this guide,, and none of my clients are reporting in. Have found that in c:\program files\sophos\remote management system\ is a file called mrinit.conf.orig that points to the old server still. Also found the regkey HKLM\Software\Sophos\Messaging System\Router\ParenetAddress is still pointing at the new system. Then only way I have found to get around this is to uninstall RMS from the client. At the EMC protect the computer again, reboot if needed, and all is well. My problem is I have about 400 clients, and I really don't want to have to do this by hand to all of them. Was looking for options, possibly a script to uninstall rms, delete the regkeys, and that .orig file....but I don't know the msiexec uninstall command path. I do use SCCM so that may be a possibility to use to push out the script. Or if any one else has any ideas how to fix it would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Hello JoeyTMann,

    if you followed the steps in chapter 6 the clients should be able to talk to the new server. If mrinit.conf.orig gets in the way (the registry key is only the effect) it might suffice to remove  mrinit.conf.orig and force a reinstall of RMS (make a "dummy" modification to mrinit.conf - e.g. change the case of a character in the servername - in the CID and run ConfigCID.exe).



  • Thanks for the reply. Well I decided to scrap the migration and start fresh. Still having some fun with clients and the *.orig file. Playing around with SCCM to delete the file and then redeploy SAV from SCCM.
