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Sophos SESC9 appears to have a memory leak

Has anyone else seen this?

I've been testing SESC9 for a few months and found the following:

  1. Savservice.exe starts with about 94MB of memory after install.
  2. Our managed nodes are setup to fail over to Sophos for updates if they can not reach our sites. When this occurs the Sophos site installs 1 of 1 and savservice.exe increases in memory use.
  3. This same thing occurs when our node comes back to update from our site install 1 of 1 and savservice.exe increases in memory use.
  4. If checked nodes in our testing and saw savservice.exe running 200MB, 300MB and 1.2BM of memory.
  5. I tested this on my computer and watched savservice.exe go from 94MB to 140MB before stopping my test.

I look forward to seeing what you have experienced.


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  •  Here is an update on the status of these issues.

    The memory leak issue is still under investigation. 4-28-10

    Update status resloved 4-28-10:

    The issue where machines that are failing over to update from secondary (Sophos) and report unknown has been fixed now with a recent update. Please verify this on your end. Machines failing over should now report Up-to-date ''Yes'' with an error 0000006b where download failed from the primary location, rather than ''unknown''.

    I'll post once I hear the memory issue has been corrected.


  •  Here is an update on the status of these issues.

    The memory leak issue is still under investigation. 4-28-10

    Update status resloved 4-28-10:

    The issue where machines that are failing over to update from secondary (Sophos) and report unknown has been fixed now with a recent update. Please verify this on your end. Machines failing over should now report Up-to-date ''Yes'' with an error 0000006b where download failed from the primary location, rather than ''unknown''.

    I'll post once I hear the memory issue has been corrected.


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