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It is possible to change port 8192 used by Sophos Message Router?


because we are using a software thats contains nscale Rendition Server which is using port 8192 the Sophos Message Router-service always crashes on our server. Is it possible to change Port 8192 to another one? For the other two ports 8193 and 8194 it seems to be possible and I've found Sophos documents explaining that.

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  • Hello CrefoHB ,

    I assume this server is "just" an endpoint. Change the REG_DWORD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\Messaging System\Router\\IORSenderPort to the desired value (do not change the ParentPort),The Router should no longer crash, if necessary restart the Agent. Unlikely that some update will cause RMS to be reinitialized but who knows, so check the value if RMS crashes again.


  • Hello CrefoHB ,

    I assume this server is "just" an endpoint. Change the REG_DWORD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\Messaging System\Router\\IORSenderPort to the desired value (do not change the ParentPort),The Router should no longer crash, if necessary restart the Agent. Unlikely that some update will cause RMS to be reinitialized but who knows, so check the value if RMS crashes again.


  • Thanks. After chaning also the port 8193 the service is now working but the Sophos server administrators told me, that changing the port is not a real solution because they would have to change the ports than on all clients. But better the service is running without connection than permanently crashing and restarting i think.

  • Hello CrefoHB,

    the service is running without connection
    didn't explicitly ask: The server with the port conflict is an endpoint, isn't it? In other words, as far as Sophos management is concerned it's just a client.
    The Message Router service should connect to the Sophos Management server's 8194 and there should be a loopback connection from the local Agent. What does not work is the downstream connection from the management server. Introduces latency but does no real harm.


  • Yes, it's "just" an endpoint. Ok, thanks for the additional informations.