Looking for information on how to control/initiate the Sophos group setup during the installation of the agent on a workstation both in a domain or as a standalone (no domain) system. Here are the questions enquiring minds would love to know:
1. For a workstation not in a Domain, is there a way to customize which users/groups get added to SophosUser, SophosPowerUser, and SophosAdmin you install the SAV agent?
2. Is there also a way to do the same thing if you were part of a domain (reference domain global group accounts instead of defaulting to creating local groups)?
3. Can you change from a local group model to AD domain model? If so, how?
I realize I could run the "net user" commands or write a .VBS file to accomplish the local group customizations, but I am hoping there is something thats part of the Sophos product install to accommodate this directly. Any information on automating these changes is appreciated.
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