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Standalone install not updating


I have a new work computer that I needed to install Sophos on. My old work computer was running Sophos Endpoint 10.8.

I followed the instructions in the post linked below, which were helpful and I was able to get Sophos installed and updating.

However, the new installation of Sophos is only version 9.5. I had the impression that it would update automatically to version 10.8, but it seems like the AutoUpdate program is skipping through downloading the upgrades (when I force an update, "downloading package 1 of 3" displays quickly and then disappears). Does anybody know how I can upgrade Sophos to version 10.8?

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  • My apologies for the long post... I did not know it was going to be such a long log entry.

  • There's no errors sticking out to me.  I can't tell if the machine is trying to pull updates or not.  

    Can you provide me with the entry in C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\Config\iconn.cfg?  What I am looking for is the line below:
    ConnectionAddress = INFO HERE
    UserName = INFO HERE

    Also check C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\ and sort by "Date modified".  Please let me know the name of the newest .ide file in this folder.

  • There's no errors sticking out to me.  I can't tell if the machine is trying to pull updates or not.  

    Can you provide me with the entry in C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\Config\iconn.cfg?  What I am looking for is the line below:
    ConnectionAddress = INFO HERE
    UserName = INFO HERE

    Also check C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\ and sort by "Date modified".  Please let me know the name of the newest .ide file in this folder.

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