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Sophos AntiVirus won't install

 Hello All,

 I'm experiencing a little problem whit installation of SAV.

 When I start the instaltion in few seconds it's rolled back.

 I checked the log and realized that the instalation is stopping on custom action:


Could you please advice.

Thanks in advance,



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  • Just to add info:

    OS: Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Editon SP2 x32bit

    SAV ver: 7.x

    The SAV was installed before. After Sophos EC Remediation to another server

    I had to reinstall SAV and the issue has occured.

    Try cleaning everything manualy. I had read at KB but still no positive result.

  • Hi,

    I assume it's trying to add to the key:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\AppInit_DLLs

    The path to: "C:\Program Files\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\sophos_detoured.dll" as the 8:3 format path:


    If you run the install again whilst running Process Monitor:

    Do you get access denied or some such problem?

    Also when the install runs, it creates the msi log, eg: "Sophos Anti-Virus Install Log_101124_065518.txt".  It also creates a corresponding custom action log in the same directory: "Sophos Anti-Virus CustomActions Log_101124_065518.txt". At the points this CA runs, does that log give any more information?

    Also, is this a standalone install or managed?  As a standalone install the SAV msi is being run as the logged on user, as a managed install (running setup.exe from the CID) SAV is installed as SYSTEM, so if there are any permission problems, they are probably less likely to be see in a manged install.


