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Unable to push Sophos antivirus out to server

Hello whenever I try to push out Sophos to a server I get 


The site it links has no useful information.


Remote registry is started and running

windows installer running

This server had Sophos on it but hasn't updated for the last week so I removed it and tried to reinstall.

Running locally I get the following error.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. or any ideas for things to try I haven't thought of.

I can see the share on the server. I can ping it from the utm server.

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  • Hello Nathan Carter,

    seems it does detect the existence of the account it want to create (e.g. Daaa) but is unable to create one with the API call it uses (error 50 is The request is not supported.)

    It doesn't work by simply creating the account - the installer assumes that, unlikely as this is, someone else created this account for whatever purpose so it "invents" a new name and consequently fails again). Can't say what causes the error, perhaps some obscure setting. 
    Anyway, you can pre-create the account but you have to follow the Sophos Endpoint: How to manually create a Sophos AutoUpdate account link (IMO it's unfortunate to call the account SophosUpdate - you can use an arbitrary name, perhaps one of those you created).
