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Is there a way to have Sophos client firewall be installed pre configured with the correct rules or to have it at least be disabled until reboot?

My problem right now is that I'm trying to run an automated deployment script with which includes installing Sophos client firewall. After the firewall is installed it blocks connections from ansible which means I cant continue until I manually configure the firewall rules.

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  • This is not an SEC managed environment.


    I just found out you can export and import rules as .conf files with the firewall. Is there anyway to install it with my custom .conf file already in?

  • Hello Daniel Starizny,

    not an SEC managed environment
    it was more a rhetoric question. If I'm not mistaken SCF is only available with the SEC-managed SESC although you could forgo installing the management component (RMS). AFAIK a scripted install is not possible with the stand-alone package provided by Sophos thus I assume you are using a package created from a CID (or a copy of the CID) for your scripted install and the .XML procedure would apply.
    If this is not the method you use could you provide the details?


  • I run a file called setup.exe which installs Sophos Antivirus, autoupdate, client firewall, endpoint defense, network threat protection, remote management system, and system protection.


    I cannot find enterprise console or exportconfig.exe anywhere on my computer.


  • Hello Daniel Starizny,

    a file called setup.exe
    is contained in some folder that in turn has some subfolders. In the same folder there should either be a ProductID.dat or a SetupConfig.dat  which one?
    As you said an automated deployment script - what does this script do? Is it simply calling setup.exe with some switches or an automation script that operates the Setup GUI?
