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Blocking file copy from share folder to system drive and USB

Dear All,


I have installed Sophos End point security and want to block file copy from share folder to any system drive and usb using Data control policy any ideas???




Furqan Ahmed

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  • Hello Furqan Ahmed,

    Data Control (AKA DLP - Data Loss Prevention) is designed to prevent loss (or leakage) of data, in other words to prevent data leaving your site. You can't block incoming data or intra-site (a share is considered as being inside/on-site) copies.

    You can block transfers to removable storage (please note that the physical port is insignificant) but (generally) not restrict it to specific source locations.


  • Dear Christian,

    Thanks for the reply, i have successfully block the transfer of file via USB and explorer like (chrome,Firefox etc). But failed to block access via outlook mail client (2013) and cloud drive (google drive etc).

    Any tips to block transfer of file using these tools.




    Furqan Ahmed

  • Hello Furqan Ahmed,

    please see the known limitations.

    cloud drive
    Data Control works (with the listed limitations) only for the Destinations listed not with other applications. You could block these (type Online storage) with Application Control.


  • Christain,


    If we block these types using online storage, user is failed to upload its own file to cloud. Is there anyway ? and how to block using email client like outlook 2010 and 2013



    Furqan Ahmed

Reply Children
  • Hello Furqan Ahmed,

    failed to upload its own file
    Data Control can't distinguish [a user's] own files from the company's. As said, you can't create rules that depend on the source location of the data.

    block using email client
    also you can't work around the mentioned limitations. I assume it does work with certain workflows (e.g. using the Attach button) but not with others (e.g. drag and drop).
