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High CPU utilization while running Sophos Patchfeed process

The CPU usage is 99% by the Patchfeed process. The task runs 1 hour interval it makes my server very slow.

Sophos is using the sql express installed in the same server.

The version of Endpoint I am using 5.5.1.

Please help me because my server is very slow because of this.

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  • Hello Vivek VK,

    the Sophos Patch Feed task runs the Patch Data Loader (PDL) hourly, this task in turn starts the Patch Feed Processor (PFP). If everything is ok then PFP is started to processes the feed every 24 hours (see the PatchDataLoader.log in %ProgramData%\Sophos\Patch\Logs\). If it returns an error it is normally re-run after 6 hours. The next run time is stored in %ProgramData%\Sophos\Patch\PatchDataLoader\Schedule.xml.

    I don't think PFP's actual CPU consumption is 99% though it might take what it can get. Nevertheless it should run only once every 24 hours, apparently it runs more often and it likely does not successfully complete. Please check the PatchFeedProcessor.log in %ProgramData%\Sophos\Patch\Logs\.   
