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Windows updates on computers with Sophos failing to boot

We run Dell Optiplex PC's with Windows 10 Education Edition. We have Sophos cloud endpoint on all machines and we have been seeing some machines not boot back up after windows updates lately. We have a sneaking suspicion this might be windows updates in conjunction with the Sophos cloud endpoint.  The only other pattern we have seen is that this has only happened on machines that have a normal spinning disc SATA drive. just something we noticed.  We aren't sure this is a Sophos endpoint issue but we are trying to explore all avenues here.  Has anyone else with Sophos noticed this issue?  If so what was your solution?  At this point the user base is quite impatient.  Thank you all for your support.


Attached is a pic of what we typically get stuck on.  It just spins and spins.  A handful of machines finished days later, but most never do.

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