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Perform SAV32CLI.exe -remove don't show y/n

I perform SAV32CLI.exe -remove  Can I set a forced deletion when I find a virus? don't show Yes or No want me to type.

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  • Hello Jacky Tu,

    most options don't have values in addition, only the keyword is used. -remove is not the default thus omitting it means NO and specifying it means YES (please be aware of the potentially unwanted consequences - you should first run a scan without it). Those set by default like -rec can be inverted by prefixing them with n (e.g. -nrec)


  • So I can't ask to remove the virus without asking?

  • Hello Jacky Tu,

    ah, I think I've misunderstood you. You want that it removes the virus without prompting you? The by default enabled option is -c (Ask for confirmation before disinfection/deletion) so using -remove -nc would deleted a threat no questions asked. As said, be careful.


  • Hello Jacky Tu,

    ah, I think I've misunderstood you. You want that it removes the virus without prompting you? The by default enabled option is -c (Ask for confirmation before disinfection/deletion) so using -remove -nc would deleted a threat no questions asked. As said, be careful.

