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sav-rms stopped and update failed


ich bin nicht ganz sicher ob ich hier richtig bin.

Ich habe versucht Sophos Endpoint and Server for Linux auf meinem Gentoo zu installieren.

Nach umstellen auf fanotify zeigt

# ./savdstatus  
Sophos Anti-Virus is active and on-access scanning is running

Soweit so gut, aber leider zeigt:

# rc-status

sav-rms       [  stopped  ]

Bei einem manuellen Start kommt diese Meldung:

/etc/init.d/sav-rms -v start
 * Executing: /lib/rc/sh/ /lib/rc/sh/ /etc/init.d/sav-rms start
 * Starting RMS ...                                                                                                   [ !! ]
 * ERROR: sav-rms failed to start

Und ein Update schlägt fehl mit der Meldung:

Updating from versions - SAV: 9.13.2, Engine: 3.68.0, Data: 5.39
Update aborted.
Failed to load virus data [0xffffffff80040220]
Updating Sophos Anti-Virus....
Updating Command-line programs
Updating SAVScan on-demand scanner
Updating Builtin Configuration
Updating sav-protect startup script
Updating sav-rms startup script
Updating Sophos Anti-Virus Daemon
Updating Remote Management Daemon
Updating Manifest
Failed to update Sophos Anti-Virus

Vielleicht hat jemand eine Idee, ich wäre für jeden Tip dankbar.


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  • Hi Alexander,

    I'm afraid I don't speak German, so had to run your question through Google translate. I hope you can understand my English.

    The version you have is too old, and 9.17.2 can't upgrade from such an old version.

    You need:

    1. An up to date 9.17.2 installer
    2. An update source (e.g. CID) that contains 9.17.2

    The error code ending on 220 means that the engine wasn't able to find the main virus data. The updater runs a check that the new engine can load the new data before we try to use it.

    However also note that SAV is retiring in 2023: See

    It is replaced by SSPL managed and installed from Sophos Central. SSPL required systemd however, so probably won't work on your system.



  • Hi Alexander,

    I'm afraid I don't speak German, so had to run your question through Google translate. I hope you can understand my English.

    The version you have is too old, and 9.17.2 can't upgrade from such an old version.

    You need:

    1. An up to date 9.17.2 installer
    2. An update source (e.g. CID) that contains 9.17.2

    The error code ending on 220 means that the engine wasn't able to find the main virus data. The updater runs a check that the new engine can load the new data before we try to use it.

    However also note that SAV is retiring in 2023: See

    It is replaced by SSPL managed and installed from Sophos Central. SSPL required systemd however, so probably won't work on your system.


