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Not enough space in / to install Sophos Anti-Virus for Linux.

Hi There,


I am getting the following error when trying to install Sophos Server Protection on a CentOS7 linux machine.


Not enough space in / to install Sophos Anti-Virus for Linux. You can install elsewhere by re-running this installer with the --instdir argument.


The server has ample storage of 150GB and only using up 49GB when I run the comment du -h from root /


please let me know what I might be doing wrong.





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  • Can you please check the /opt partition to see if that may need more space? I believe Sophos gets installed in /opt/sophos-av/ .



  • I just did a df -h at root and gets the following.


    [root@datastore /]# df -h
    Filesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mapper/centos-root   50G   50G  996M  99% /
    devtmpfs                 3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev
    tmpfs                    3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs                    3.9G   57M  3.8G   2% /run
    tmpfs                    3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    /dev/mapper/centos-home   92G   33M   92G   1% /home
    /dev/sda1               1014M  203M  812M  21% /boot
    tmpfs                    783M     0  783M   0% /run/user/1000


    Now I see what the problem is.  I need to figure out whats taking up all that space



  • I understand. You can probably run something like du -hsc* or du -h --max-depth=1 or any other switch for du , if any of those would help. 


  • Looks like I need to increase the /root partition and decrease /home


    apache installed my www in root and I have 45GB of files in there.  Hence the issue of it filling up.


    I am not sure how well versed in linux I am to perform this operation.



  • Not an admin by profession but have had luck with fdisk in some occasions. You can read about it here and see how it applies to your situation: LINKY (Disclaimer: I am NOT an expert, so please please use this advice carefully).

    Other Community members are always more than welcome to chime in and help out! [Y]

  • Not an admin by profession but have had luck with fdisk in some occasions. You can read about it here and see how it applies to your situation: LINKY (Disclaimer: I am NOT an expert, so please please use this advice carefully).

    Other Community members are always more than welcome to chime in and help out! [Y]

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