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Sharepoint "web protection error" keeps flagging as incompatible program

So i recieve the following message in my console, every few days (see attached image).

Well sophos, thats great. I heard you the first time. its not compatible. Why keep flagging it and generating an error in my console? is the resolution to acknowledge it every few days? how do i prevent it from being flagged while still maintaining virus protection on the server itself.

It's really annoying. acknowledging it only makes the error go away for a few days. I do not like errors in my console.


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  • Ah! i totally missed that section!

    Granted I wouldnt assume web protection would be under AV, but rahter web control. Sometimes one doesnt see what is infront of ones face!

    i assume this will fix it. hopefully the problem doesnt re occur!

    thanks. probably solves that other issue as well with torrent sites.

  • Ah! i totally missed that section!

    Granted I wouldnt assume web protection would be under AV, but rahter web control. Sometimes one doesnt see what is infront of ones face!

    i assume this will fix it. hopefully the problem doesnt re occur!

    thanks. probably solves that other issue as well with torrent sites.

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