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Sharepoint "web protection error" keeps flagging as incompatible program

So i recieve the following message in my console, every few days (see attached image).

Well sophos, thats great. I heard you the first time. its not compatible. Why keep flagging it and generating an error in my console? is the resolution to acknowledge it every few days? how do i prevent it from being flagged while still maintaining virus protection on the server itself.

It's really annoying. acknowledging it only makes the error go away for a few days. I do not like errors in my console.


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  • Hello,

    As you know the warning is just an advisory that Sharepoint and our LSP are incompatible and due to this the LSP has not been installed.  It is possible for the alert to come back if the policy applied to this machine has the LSP enabled, the simplest way to stop the alert would be to move the Sharepoint servers to a seperate group with web scanning turned off which will disable the LSP, the below article will show you how to do this;

    Hope this helps.


  • Hello,

    As you know the warning is just an advisory that Sharepoint and our LSP are incompatible and due to this the LSP has not been installed.  It is possible for the alert to come back if the policy applied to this machine has the LSP enabled, the simplest way to stop the alert would be to move the Sharepoint servers to a seperate group with web scanning turned off which will disable the LSP, the below article will show you how to do this;

    Hope this helps.


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