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New service "Sophos Network Extension" in Network Settings

I noticed in my Settings/Network there is a new service "Sophos Network Extension" and the text is "Please use "" to control this content filter configuration."

I tried to run "Sophos Net...rk Extension" but I get an error message "You do not have permission to open the application "Sophos Network"

Could you explain this new service and how to run the app?

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Parents Reply
  • Hi Brian,

    The app is not meant to be run by a user as there is nothing user-configurable. The messaging on Apple's panel is a bit misleading but it's essentially saying that there is no way to configure that from the panel, it's actually configured in code.

    The service that your seeing there is a result of the Sophos now using a Content Filter as well as a Transparent Proxy for network interception. This was required to fix the compatibility issues we were having with 3rd party networking applications.
