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Apple M1 (ARM) EAP: Features Supported in this EAP


The EAP is currently updating to version 10.1.0 In this version, all elements of the endpoint software are supported.

For this EAP, we are looking for performance metrics of the native code. Be aware that not all elements of the Endpoint software are currently ARM compiled. 

The following features are native in ARM (EP ver 10.1.0):

  • Malware Scanner
    • Including File Interception 
    • Including Application Control
  • CryptoGuard
  • Service Manager
  • Sophos Network Extension

The following features are NOT native in ARM (EP ver 10.1.0):

  • Web Control and Web Protection
  • Everything else...

This can be confirmed in Activity Monitor:

All native running code will have the notation "Apple" in the Architecture column.

slight edit
[edited by: RichardP at 9:55 PM (GMT -7) on 26 Apr 2021]