This query allows you to view the detection details that have been received from the MS Graph Connector.
The primary table we are exploring is mdr_ms_graph_api_data.
This query takes two variables allowing to to set a filter by category and severity (HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW)
The results will display ALL cols available in the table.
-- MS Graph Security explorer -- VARIABLE STRING $$Category$$ -- VARIABLE STRING $$Severity$$ SELECT id, event_date_time, severity, CASE severity WHEN 'HIGH' THEN 5 WHEN 'MEDIUM' THEN 3 ELSE 1 END Sophos_Risk_Score, category, status, title, description, processes, recommended_actions, incident_ids, malware_states, host_states, user_states, network_connections, registry_key_states, vulnerability_states, cloud_app_states, additional_fields, security_resources, source_materials, '--------------' "Additional_fields-->", activity_group_name, assigned_to azure_subscription_id, azure_tenant_id, -- category, closed_date_time, -- cloud_app_states, comments, confidence, created_date_time, -- description, detection_ids, -- event_date_time, -- feedback file_states, -- host_states, -- id, incident_ids, last_modified_date_time, -- malware_states, -- network_connections, -- processes, -- recommended_actions, -- registry_key_states, -- security_resources, -- severity, -- source_materials, -- status, tags, -- title, triggers, -- user_states, vendor_information, -- vulnerability_states, message_identifier, customer_id, ingestion_timestamp, sensor_id, sensor, sensor_version, schema_version, record_size, -- additional_fields, customer_bucket, ingest_date FROM mdr_ms_graph_api_data WHERE LOWER(category) LIKE LOWER('%$$Category$$%') AND LOWER(severity) LIKE LOWER('%$$Severity$$%') ORDER BY category ASC, Sophos_Risk_Score DESC, event_date_time DESC --LIMIT 10