Disclaimer: This information is provided as-is for the benefit of the Community. Please contact Sophos Professional Services if you require assistance with your specific environment.
This query is taken directly from the Sophos Rapid Response query pack located here: https://github.com/SophosRapidResponse/OSQuery/blob/main/TTPs/Execution/Program%20Execution.sql
This query will combine several tables associated with program execution, such as BAM, Shimcache, Userassist, Prefetch, Shortcuts, and Filesystem. This is a go-to query for quickly identifying evidence of a program execution.
You must have XDR enabled in your environment. This is a Live Discover query for Windows.
Query Focus
/*************************** Sophos.com/RapidResponse ***************************\ | DESCRIPTION | | The query uses several tables associated with a program execution such as: | | BAM, Shimcache, Userassist, Prefetch, Shortcuts, and Filesystem tables. | | This is a go-to query to quickly identify evidence of a program execution | | | | VARIABLE | | - filename: (STRING) - if want to get everything, please use (%) | | | | Example: | | - malware, malware.exe, C:\ProgramData\ | | | | Author: The Rapid Response Team | Elida Leite | | github.com/SophosRapidResponse | \********************************************************************************/ SELECT bam.path As Path, '-' AS Filename, datetime(bam.last_execution_time,'unixepoch') AS Last_Executed, '-' AS Last_Modified, '-' AS Creation_Time, '-' As Count, bam.sid As SID, CAST ((SELECT user.username FROM users user WHERE bam.sid = user.uuid) AS Text) Username, 'BAM' AS Data_Source, 'TA0002 - Program Execution' As Query FROM background_activities_moderator as bam WHERE bam.path like '%$$filename$$%' UNION SELECT shim.path As Path, '-' AS Filename, '-' AS Last_Executed, datetime(shim.modified_time,'unixepoch') AS Last_Modified, '-' AS Creation_Time, '-' As Count, '-' As SID, '-' As Username, 'Shimcache' AS Data_Source, 'TA0002 - Program Execution' As Query FROM shimcache as shim WHERE shim.path like '%$$filename$$%' UNION SELECT ua.path as Path, '-' AS Filename, datetime(ua.last_execution_time,'unixepoch') AS Last_Executed, '-' AS Last_Modified, '-' AS Creation_Time, ua.count As Count, ua.sid As SID, CAST ((SELECT user.username FROM users user WHERE ua.sid = user.uuid) AS Text) Username, 'Userassist' AS Data_Source, 'TA0002 - Program Execution' As Query FROM userassist as ua WHERE ua.path like '%$$filename$$%' UNION SELECT pf.path As Path, pf.filename AS Filename, datetime(pf.last_run_time,'unixepoch') AS Last_Executed, '-' AS Last_Modified, '-' Creation_Time, '-' As Count, '-' As SID, '-' As Username, 'Prefetch' AS Data_Source, 'TA0002 - Program Execution' As Query FROM prefetch as pf WHERE pf.filename like '%$$filename$$%' UNION SELECT f.path As Path, f.filename AS Filename, '-' AS Last_Executed, datetime(f.mtime,'unixepoch') AS Last_Modified, datetime(f.btime,'unixepoch') AS Creation_Time, '-' As Count, '-' As SID, '-' As Username, 'Filesystem' AS Data_Source, 'TA0002 - Program Execution' As Query FROM file as f WHERE ((f.directory LIKE 'C:\Users\%\%' OR f.directory IN ('C:\Windows\','C:\ProgramData\','C:\')) AND f.filename like '%$$filename$$%') UNION SELECT f.path AS Path, f.filename AS Filename, '-' As Last_Executed, strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ',datetime(f.mtime,'unixepoch')) AS Last_Modified, strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ',datetime(f.btime,'unixepoch')) AS Creation_Time, '-' As Count, '-' As SID, '-' As Username, 'Recent_Files' AS Data_Source, 'TA0002 - Program Execution' AS Query FROM file as f WHERE f.path LIKE 'C:\Users\%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\%\Recent\%$$filename$$%' AND filename != '.' ORDER BY Last_Executed DESC, Last_Modified DESC
You can see by searching with the wildcard, you return a lot of information, with over 5 pages of results.
Understanding the Code
As mentioned in the description, this query is pulling information from separate tables. In lines 17 - 29, this is the first grouping of table results from the background_activities_monitor. This data is then merged with a union from the results from lines 33 - 45. You will notice this trend continues throughout.
Try searching for a specific file name to minimize the amount of "noise" you're seeing.
Happy querying!
Added Disclaimer
[edited by: GlennSen at 3:51 PM (GMT -7) on 5 Apr 2023]