Device Migration API Postman Collection

Disclaimer: This information is provided as-is for the benefit of the Community. Please contact Sophos Professional Services if you require assistance with your specific environment.


This sample script gives you an easy start when using Sophos Endpoint API for device migration between Sophos Central accounts.

What to do

Save the following as "Sophos Central Device Migration.postman_collection.json"

	"info": {
		"_postman_id": "43aeba01-038e-45dc-b4a3-fc44e60b63db",
		"name": "Sophos Central Device Migration",
		"schema": ""
	"item": [
			"name": "Step 1 - Authentication",
			"item": [
					"name": "Source: Authenticate",
					"event": [
							"listen": "test",
							"script": {
								"exec": [
									"var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);",
									"pm.collectionVariables.set(\"SourceAccessToken\", jsonData.access_token);"
								"type": "text/javascript"
					"request": {
						"auth": {
							"type": "noauth"
						"method": "POST",
						"header": [],
						"body": {
							"mode": "urlencoded",
							"urlencoded": [
									"key": "grant_type",
									"value": "client_credentials",
									"type": "text"
									"key": "scope",
									"value": "token",
									"type": "text"
									"key": "client_id",
									"value": "{{SourceClientID}}",
									"type": "text"
									"key": "client_secret",
									"value": "{{SourceClientSecret}}",
									"type": "text"
						"url": {
							"raw": "",
							"protocol": "https",
							"host": [
							"path": [
					"response": []
					"name": "Source: Who am I?",
					"event": [
							"listen": "test",
							"script": {
								"exec": [
									"pm.test(\"Status code is 200\", function () {",
									"    ",
									"    pm.test(\"Save ID and api host\", function () {",
									"        var jsonData = pm.response.json();",
									"        pm.collectionVariables.set(\"SourceTenantID\",;",
									"        pm.collectionVariables.set(\"SourceDataRegion\", jsonData.apiHosts.dataRegion.slice(12, 16));",
									"    });",
								"type": "text/javascript"
					"request": {
						"auth": {
							"type": "bearer",
							"bearer": [
									"key": "token",
									"value": "{{SourceAccessToken}}",
									"type": "string"
						"method": "GET",
						"header": [],
						"url": {
							"raw": "",
							"protocol": "https",
							"host": [
							"path": [
						"description": "Returns information about the caller."
					"response": []
					"name": "Target: Authenticate",
					"event": [
							"listen": "test",
							"script": {
								"exec": [
									"var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);",
									"pm.collectionVariables.set(\"TargetAccessToken\", jsonData.access_token);"
								"type": "text/javascript"
					"request": {
						"auth": {
							"type": "noauth"
						"method": "POST",
						"header": [],
						"body": {
							"mode": "urlencoded",
							"urlencoded": [
									"key": "grant_type",
									"value": "client_credentials",
									"type": "text"
									"key": "scope",
									"value": "token",
									"type": "text"
									"key": "client_id",
									"value": "{{TargetClientID}}",
									"type": "text"
									"key": "client_secret",
									"value": "{{TargetClientSecret}}",
									"type": "text"
						"url": {
							"raw": "",
							"protocol": "https",
							"host": [
							"path": [
					"response": []
					"name": "Target: Who am I?",
					"event": [
							"listen": "test",
							"script": {
								"exec": [
									"pm.test(\"Status code is 200\", function () {",
									"    ",
									"    pm.test(\"Save ID and api host\", function () {",
									"        var jsonData = pm.response.json();",
									"        pm.collectionVariables.set(\"TargetTenantID\",;",
									"        pm.collectionVariables.set(\"TargetDataRegion\", jsonData.apiHosts.dataRegion.slice(12, 16));",
									"           ",
									"    });",
								"type": "text/javascript"
					"request": {
						"auth": {
							"type": "bearer",
							"bearer": [
									"key": "token",
									"value": "{{TargetAccessToken}}",
									"type": "string"
						"method": "GET",
						"header": [],
						"url": {
							"raw": "",
							"protocol": "https",
							"host": [
							"path": [
						"description": "Returns information about the caller."
					"response": []
			"auth": {
				"type": "noauth"
			"event": [
					"listen": "prerequest",
					"script": {
						"type": "text/javascript",
						"exec": [
					"listen": "test",
					"script": {
						"type": "text/javascript",
						"exec": [
			"name": "Step 2 - Source: Get List of Endpoints",
			"event": [
					"listen": "test",
					"script": {
						"exec": [
							"let response = pm.response.json(),\r",
							"    ids =, ({ id }) => ( id )); \r",
							"pm.collectionVariables.set('EndpointList', JSON.stringify(ids));\r",
						"type": "text/javascript"
			"request": {
				"auth": {
					"type": "bearer",
					"bearer": [
							"key": "token",
							"value": "{{SourceAccessToken}}",
							"type": "string"
				"method": "GET",
				"header": [
						"description": "(Required) Tenant ID.",
						"key": "X-Tenant-ID",
						"value": "{{SourceTenantID}}"
				"url": {
					"raw": "https://api-{{SourceDataRegion}},hostname",
					"protocol": "https",
					"host": [
					"path": [
					"query": [
							"key": "fields",
							"value": "id,hostname"
							"key": "hostnameContains",
							"value": "WIN",
							"disabled": true
				"description": "Get all the endpoints for the specified tenant."
			"response": []
			"name": "Step 3 - Target: Start Receiver Task",
			"event": [
					"listen": "test",
					"script": {
						"exec": [
							"var jsonData = pm.response.json();\r",
							"pm.collectionVariables.set(\"MigrationToken\", jsonData.token);"
						"type": "text/javascript"
			"request": {
				"auth": {
					"type": "bearer",
					"bearer": [
							"key": "token",
							"value": "{{TargetAccessToken}}",
							"type": "string"
				"method": "POST",
				"header": [
						"description": "(Required) Tenant ID.",
						"key": "X-Tenant-ID",
						"value": "{{TargetTenantID}}"
						"key": "Content-Type",
						"value": "application/json"
				"body": {
					"mode": "raw",
					"raw": "{\n    \"fromTenant\": \"{{SourceTenantID}}\",\n    \"endpoints\": {{EndpointList}}\n}"
				"url": {
					"raw": "https://api-{{TargetDataRegion}}",
					"protocol": "https",
					"host": [
					"path": [
				"description": "Adds a new local site."
			"response": []
			"name": "Step 4 - Source: Start Migration Job",
			"event": [
					"listen": "test",
					"script": {
						"exec": [
						"type": "text/javascript"
			"request": {
				"auth": {
					"type": "bearer",
					"bearer": [
							"key": "token",
							"value": "{{SourceAccessToken}}",
							"type": "string"
				"method": "PUT",
				"header": [
						"description": "(Required) Tenant ID.",
						"key": "X-Tenant-ID",
						"value": "{{SourceTenantID}}"
						"key": "Content-Type",
						"value": "application/json"
				"body": {
					"mode": "raw",
					"raw": "{\n    \"token\": \"{{MigrationToken}}\",\n    \"endpoints\": {{EndpointList}}\n}\n"
				"url": {
					"raw": "https://api-{{SourceDataRegion}}{{MigrationID}}",
					"protocol": "https",
					"host": [
					"path": [
				"description": "Adds a new local site."
			"response": []
			"name": "Step 5 - Target: Check Migration Status",
			"event": [
					"listen": "test",
					"script": {
						"exec": [
						"type": "text/javascript"
			"request": {
				"auth": {
					"type": "bearer",
					"bearer": [
							"key": "token",
							"value": "{{TargetAccessToken}}",
							"type": "string"
				"method": "GET",
				"header": [
						"key": "X-Tenant-ID",
						"value": "{{TargetTenantID}}",
						"type": "default"
				"url": {
					"raw": "https://api-{{TargetDataRegion}}{{MigrationID}}/endpoints",
					"protocol": "https",
					"host": [
					"path": [
				"description": "Returns information about the caller."
			"response": []
	"event": [
			"listen": "prerequest",
			"script": {
				"type": "text/javascript",
				"exec": [
			"listen": "test",
			"script": {
				"type": "text/javascript",
				"exec": [
	"variable": [
			"key": "SourceClientID",
			"value": "",
			"type": "default"
			"key": "SourceClientSecret",
			"value": "",
			"type": "default"
			"key": "TargetClientID",
			"value": "",
			"type": "default"
			"key": "TargetClientSecret",
			"value": "",
			"type": "default"

Open the file in Postman and replace any necessary fields.

Updated disclaimer
[edited by: Kushal Lakhan at 7:35 PM (GMT -7) on 31 Mar 2023]