Sophos Central Windows Endpoint: Deploying using Microsoft Intune


Disclaimer: This information is provided as-is for the benefit of the Community. Please contact Sophos Professional Services if you require assistance with your specific environment.


This knowledge base article provides a high-level overview of how to use Microsoft Intune to deploy the Sophos Central Windows endpoint software.

The steps below are provided with the assumption that Intune has already been used to deploy packages to Windows endpoints and that you’re already familiar with the general workflows described.

The following sections are covered:

Applies to the following Sophos product(s) and version(s)
Central Windows Endpoint
Sophos Endpoint Security and Control

 What to do 

 Create the .intunewin file from the Sophos Central installer file

Note: It is recommended to deploy using AutoPilot from Windows enrollment

  1. Create the following folders using a Command Prompt with admin privilege:

    1. md C:\Temp
    2. md C:\Temp\IntunePackageSource
    3. md C:\Temp\IntunePackageOutput
    4. md C:\Temp\Intune-Win32-App-Packaging-Tool-master
  2. From your Sophos Central account, download SophosSetup.exe and save it at C:\Temp\IntunePackageSource.
  3. From Github, download the Microsoft Win32 app packaging tool (IntuneWinAppUtil.exe) and save it at C:\Temp\Intune-Win32-App-Packaging-Tool-master.
  4. Using a Command Prompt, run the packaging tool from the specified folder.
  5. When prompted, specify the following:

    • Source folder: C:\Temp\IntunePackageSource
    • Setup file: SophosSetup.exe
    • Output folder: C:\Temp\IntunePackageOutput
    • Catalog folder: N

The message INFO File 'C:\Temp\IntunePackageOutput\SophosSetup.intunewin' has been generated successfully will be displayed. 

 Create the Win32 app within Intune.

  1. Log in to your Azure AD tenant with an account with the required access to manage Intune.
  2. Search for and click Intune.
  3. In the left navigation column, click Apps.

  4. In the opened Apps section, click All Apps.
  5. Click on the Add button.
  6. Click the drop-down for app type, then select Windows app (Win32) followed by select.

  7. From the App information tab select SophosSetup.intunewin file from C:\Temp\IntunePackageOutput, then click OK.
  8. The app information can then be configured as follows:

  9. Enter the install and uninstall commands in the Program tab, then click Next.

  10. Enter the OS architectures you wish to deploy from the Requirements tab, then click Next.
  11. Enter the detection rule in the Detections Rule by selecting Manually Configure detection rules from the Rules format drop-down menu
    and enter the following parameters, then click the OK button followed by the Next button.
    • Rule type: File
    • Path: %ProgramFiles%\Sophos\Sophos UI
    • File or folder: Sophos UI.exe
    • Detection method: File or folder exists.

  12. Once your app is ready and you are on the Assignments tab, assign it to a ‘Required’ group by clicking on Add Group to assign the
    application to your group, then click Next.
    Note: This will be installed automatically on enrolled devices.

  13. Review the details of your app and click Create.
  14. From the Apps section, you’ll now see the newly created application.

Endpoint deployment

Once your endpoint is configured and enrolled with Windows Autopilot, the software will automatically deploy to your device. The end-user may see the following notifications if these were configured in the above application creation.

The end-user will also see the Sophos endpoint Agent icon in the system tray:

Related information

Sign up to the Sophos Support Notification Service to get the latest product release information and critical issues.

Edit Links
[edited by: GlennSen at 12:41 AM (GMT -8) on 13 Jan 2024]
  • Would creating this PS script work for deploying?

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Component: Sophos Central Installer
    # Author: Stephen Weber
    # Purpose: Using the new Sophos Thin installer,
    # perform default install of Sophos Central using the defined variables
    # Version 1.2
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #Setup Customer Variables
    #CustomerToken - Example - "Customer Token Here"
    #Products - Example - "antivirus,intercept"
    # Define Functions
    function Get-SophosInstalled {
    $Global:installed *).DisplayName -contains "Sophos Endpoint Agent"
    $Global:mcsclient Get-Service -name "Sophos MCS Client" -ea SilentlyContinue
    $Global:mcsagent Get-Service -name "Sophos MCS Agent" -ea SilentlyContinue
    # Sophos Central Installation
    Start-Transcript c:\temp\SophosCentralInstallLog.txt
    Write-Host "Starting the Sophos Central Installation based on the variables defined in the site"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Checking to see if Sophos is Already Installed"
    if ($installed -eq "True") {
    Write-Host "--Sophos Central Endpoint Agent Installed"
    if ($mcsclient.Status -eq "Running"){
    Write-Host "--Sophos MCS Client is Running"
    Exit 0
    else {
    Write-Host "--Sophos Central is Not Installed"
    Write-Host "Sophos MCS Client is Not Running"
    # Check for the Site Variables
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Checking the Variables"
    if ($CustomerToken -eq $null)
    {Write-Host "--Customer Token Not Set or Missing"
    Exit 1}
    {Write-Host "--CustomerToken = "$CustomerToken""}
    if ($Products -eq $null)
    {Write-Host "--Sophos Products Not Set or Missing"
    Exit 1}
    {Write-Host "--Products = "$Products""}
    # Sophos parameters are defined from the site specific variables
    $arguments "--products=""" + $Products
    $arguments $arguments + """ --quiet"
    # Check to see if a previous SophosSetup Process is running
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Checking to see if SophosSetup.exe is already running"
    if ((get-process "sophossetup" -ea SilentlyContinue) -eq $Null){
    Write-Host "--SophosSetup Not Running"
    else {
    Write-Host "Sophos Currently Running, Will Kill the Process before Continuing"
    Stop-Process -processname "sophossetup"
    #Force PowerShell to use TLS 1.2
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    # Download of the Central Customer Installer
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Downloading Sophos Central Installer"
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$CustomerToken/SophosSetup.exe" -OutFile SophosSetup.exe
    if ((Test-Path SophosSetup.exe) -eq "True"){
    Write-Host "--Sophos Setup Installer Downloaded Successfully"
    else {
    Write-Host "--Sophos Central Installer Did Not Download - Please check Firewall or Web Filter"
    Exit 1
    # This Section starts the installer using the arguments defined above
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Installing Sophos Central Endpoint:"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "SophosSetup.exe "$arguments""
    Write-Host ""
    start-process SophosSetup.exe $arguments
    $timeout new-timespan -Minutes 30
    $install diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
    while ($install.elapsed -lt $timeout){
    if ((Get-Service "Sophos MCS Client" -ea SilentlyContinue)){
    Write-Host "Sophos MCS Client Found - Breaking the Loop"
    start-sleep -seconds 60
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Sophos Setup Completed"
    # Verify that Sophos Central Endpoint Agent Installed
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Verifying that Sophos Central Endpoint installed and is Running"
    if ($installed -eq "True") {
    Write-Host "--Sophos Central Endpoint Agent Installed Successfully"
    if ($mcsclient.Status -eq "Running"){
    Write-Host "--Sophos MCS Client is Running"
    if ($mcsagent.Status -eq "Running"){
    Write-Host "--Sophos MCS Agent is Running"
    Write-Host "Log Location - <system>\programdata\Sophos\Cloudinstaller\Logs\"
    Exit 0
    else {
    Write-Host "--Sophos Central Install Failed"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Please check the Sophos Central Install Logs for more details"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Log Location - <system>\programdata\Sophos\Cloudinstaller\Logs\"
    Exit 1
  • Would creating this PS script work for deploying?

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Component: Sophos Central Installer
    # Author: Stephen Weber
    # Purpose: Using the new Sophos Thin installer,
    # perform default install of Sophos Central using the defined variables
    # Version 1.2
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #Setup Customer Variables
    #CustomerToken - Example - "Customer Token Here"
    #Products - Example - "antivirus,intercept"
    # Define Functions
    function Get-SophosInstalled {
    $Global:installed *).DisplayName -contains "Sophos Endpoint Agent"
    $Global:mcsclient Get-Service -name "Sophos MCS Client" -ea SilentlyContinue
    $Global:mcsagent Get-Service -name "Sophos MCS Agent" -ea SilentlyContinue
    # Sophos Central Installation
    Start-Transcript c:\temp\SophosCentralInstallLog.txt
    Write-Host "Starting the Sophos Central Installation based on the variables defined in the site"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Checking to see if Sophos is Already Installed"
    if ($installed -eq "True") {
    Write-Host "--Sophos Central Endpoint Agent Installed"
    if ($mcsclient.Status -eq "Running"){
    Write-Host "--Sophos MCS Client is Running"
    Exit 0
    else {
    Write-Host "--Sophos Central is Not Installed"
    Write-Host "Sophos MCS Client is Not Running"
    # Check for the Site Variables
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Checking the Variables"
    if ($CustomerToken -eq $null)
    {Write-Host "--Customer Token Not Set or Missing"
    Exit 1}
    {Write-Host "--CustomerToken = "$CustomerToken""}
    if ($Products -eq $null)
    {Write-Host "--Sophos Products Not Set or Missing"
    Exit 1}
    {Write-Host "--Products = "$Products""}
    # Sophos parameters are defined from the site specific variables
    $arguments "--products=""" + $Products
    $arguments $arguments + """ --quiet"
    # Check to see if a previous SophosSetup Process is running
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Checking to see if SophosSetup.exe is already running"
    if ((get-process "sophossetup" -ea SilentlyContinue) -eq $Null){
    Write-Host "--SophosSetup Not Running"
    else {
    Write-Host "Sophos Currently Running, Will Kill the Process before Continuing"
    Stop-Process -processname "sophossetup"
    #Force PowerShell to use TLS 1.2
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    # Download of the Central Customer Installer
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Downloading Sophos Central Installer"
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$CustomerToken/SophosSetup.exe" -OutFile SophosSetup.exe
    if ((Test-Path SophosSetup.exe) -eq "True"){
    Write-Host "--Sophos Setup Installer Downloaded Successfully"
    else {
    Write-Host "--Sophos Central Installer Did Not Download - Please check Firewall or Web Filter"
    Exit 1
    # This Section starts the installer using the arguments defined above
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Installing Sophos Central Endpoint:"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "SophosSetup.exe "$arguments""
    Write-Host ""
    start-process SophosSetup.exe $arguments
    $timeout new-timespan -Minutes 30
    $install diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
    while ($install.elapsed -lt $timeout){
    if ((Get-Service "Sophos MCS Client" -ea SilentlyContinue)){
    Write-Host "Sophos MCS Client Found - Breaking the Loop"
    start-sleep -seconds 60
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Sophos Setup Completed"
    # Verify that Sophos Central Endpoint Agent Installed
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Verifying that Sophos Central Endpoint installed and is Running"
    if ($installed -eq "True") {
    Write-Host "--Sophos Central Endpoint Agent Installed Successfully"
    if ($mcsclient.Status -eq "Running"){
    Write-Host "--Sophos MCS Client is Running"
    if ($mcsagent.Status -eq "Running"){
    Write-Host "--Sophos MCS Agent is Running"
    Write-Host "Log Location - <system>\programdata\Sophos\Cloudinstaller\Logs\"
    Exit 0
    else {
    Write-Host "--Sophos Central Install Failed"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Please check the Sophos Central Install Logs for more details"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Log Location - <system>\programdata\Sophos\Cloudinstaller\Logs\"
    Exit 1
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