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Sophos endpoint advanced (cloud based) offline installer package creation and installation for windows

  I have followed the below article to create a sophos advanced endpoint (cloud based) offline installer package.

The installer package file created is about 265 mb size from one of the windows 64 bit operating system.


while trying to install the package with other machine having windows -7 , 64 bit Operating system.

The .Exe file is not running. no message has come.

I don't have any other antivirus installed in my system.

if i install the online installer which get updates from internet , its getting installed.

please help me on this. 

Thanks in advance.

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  • Hello Prasath M,

    with what did you build the self-extracting package, IExpress or some other tool?
    is not running
    means you don't see any activity at all, no sign of the extraction being performed? For testing purposes I'd let it show the actions performed (extraction, installer window).


  • Hi Christian,

     I have the self extraction tool by using the IExpress.

    we have created the sophos cloud windows installer(offline package) by using the Article no - 121318.

    if any information needed plese let us know.

    please help me on this.



    Prasath M

  • Hi Christian,

     I have the self extraction tool by using the IExpress.

    we have created the sophos cloud windows installer(offline package) by using the Article no - 121318.

    if any information needed plese let us know.

    please help me on this.



    Prasath M

  • Hello Prasath M,

    create the package so that it runs visibly - Confirmation prompt, Show window (Default), Finished message, leave Hide File Extraction Progress unchecked. This way you should be able to see if it starts at all and how far it gets.


  • Hi Christian,

    Actually the .exe file is created by using the IExpress wizard.while running the file in different system its not running. No error has come.No Pop-ups.

    I have created the .exe file with windows -7 32 bit operating system by using the article 121318, and tried to install the .exe file in system which having windows -7, 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. 


    Prasath M

  • Hello Prasath M,

    you say that when you try to run the package it does not even prompt although you specified a Confirmation prompt (fourth page of the wizard, after the package title)? Or it does prompt, you click yes, and afterwards seemingly nothing?
