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I need to Assign User policy to a Server?

HI There,

From what I can see traversing around the Sophos Central Trial we have, I am unable to assign a Client policy to a server, for example we have XenDesktop and also Terminal servers. The Xendesktops are built on a Server 2008 R2 image and obviously the terminal servers are windows server 2008/2012.

I want Sophos central to deploy the client that I have installed on some end computers to the servers, because as far as I can make out the server client does not have the Intercept functionality and some other functionality, seems a bit of an oversight considering the last time one of our clients had a crypto-virus it was on a terminal server!

Please advise if I am wrong and you can do this that would be great,


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  • Hi Ilmor,

    Firstly, You're right the Server Pritection does not have any Intercept X functionality and I agree servers definitely need it. I am aware that Server Protection Advanced will be getting Cryptoguard imminently at least before the end of the year and Exploit prevention + RCA will be coming early next year.

    Unfortunately, you are quite right, you cannot assign user policies to Server Protection Advanced, it's just not designed to work that way. I would advise having an XG firewall in front of the Terminal Server that's running STAS on the DC and SATC on the Terminal Server. This will allow you to fully allow per user browsing and will take a load off of your resource consumption in your Terminal Server :)
