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need a way to locally disable tamper protection

Systems removed from the cloud console are orphaned and the only way for us to uninstall Sophos endpoint protection is to re-image the machine. Old workarounds like stopping services no longer work. Is there a registry setting we can change or a file we can put somewhere? Please advise.


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  • The new enhanced tamper protection will safeguard the services even in safe mode. Care needs to be taken not to delete systems from Central admin until the software has been removed first.

    please use the following steps to uninstall the Endpoint Client:

    1. Boot into Windows safe mode
    2. Set HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sophos\SAVService\TamperProtection to 0 (on 64bit systems: HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Sophos\SAVService\TamperProtection)
    3. In HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Sophos Endpoint Defense\TamperProtection\Config set both SEDEnabled and IgnoreSAV to 0
    4. Run C:\Program Files\Sophos\Endpoint Defense\uninstall.exe to uninstall tamper protection.
    5. Boot Windows in normal mode and remove "Sophos Endpoint Agent"