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Sophos Cloud - Updating Installers


I just wondered if anyone had come across a way to access the installers for our clients without having to manually do it for each customer we have.

We have an RMM system that we can create a component to install the software and we would like to keep this and the AD installer up to date, but want to minimize the amount of time it takes an engineer to do this.

If there was some sort of FTP / repository we could access and then link the components to this then that would be perfect.



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  • HI Mark,

    The problem is the Cloud Installers are generated on the fly in order to embed user/cloud account identity information, as a result there isn't a "static" repository of files to pull from.

    The Windows installer you download only contains Sophos AutoUpdate (SAU) and Management Communication System (MCS).  Once MCS registers with the Cloud, obtains updating credentials, SAU pulls down the latest packages and installs them.

    The installer however, does have a pre-check ( to ensure that it has been generated in the last 3 months.

    The only way to do what you want is to create a script (say PowerShell) that would authenticate to the cloud account(s) in question, pull down the JSON data from the API, e.g.:

    This JSON would have the URLs to the files, as you would see them in Sophos Central.

    So I could see it's possible to have a script or scripts that for each Cloud account you have, authenticate, and fetch the files into a pre-defined directory structure.



  • Hi Jak,

    Thank you so much for your response.

    We thought there might be a way to do this, and that explains perfectly how we can do it.

    Now for the fun bit in writing the code to do this [:)]

    Thanks again,
