i am having a problem with the Veeam SureBackup in Backup&Replicaton and the Malware Detection and hoped someone could help me. For the Malware Detection to work i need to configure a XML-File for the antivirus software to check the machine beeing backed up.
Right now this antivirus.xml file contains this:
<AntivirusInfo Name='SOPHOS ENDPOINT AGENT' IsPortableSoftware='true' ExecutableFilePath='%ProgramFiles%\Sophos\Endpoint Defense\SophosInterceptXCLI.exe' CommandLineParameters='--system' RegPath='' ServiceName='Sophos File Scanner Service' ThreatExistsRegEx='Threat\s+information' IsParallelScanAvailable='false'>
<ExitCode Type='Success' Description='No threats detected'>0</ExitCode>
<ExitCode Type='Error' Description='Antivirus scan was completed with errors'>2</ExitCode>
<ExitCode Type='Infected' Description='Virus threat was detected'>2</ExitCode>
The Veeam Support also told me, that this seems to be fine with the only exception for maybe the 'Name' space. Could someone please help me with this.
Thanks and kind regards
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[edited by: GlennSen at 9:39 AM (GMT -8) on 8 Jan 2025]