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Lockdown eclusion for one specifig *.exe

Hello all,

I need help with something I struggle for some weeks now.

Sophos is currently blocking some users action with a lockdown event for a program we use.

I whitelisted the detected lockdown event from the event log (Exclude this Detection ID from checking) but It still appears. I created about 20+ exclusions for now. Everytime it appears with a new ID.

Also I made an File or Folder exclusion for the detected application exe with Real-Time only exclusion.

I made also an entry at "Allowed Applications" for this explicit path/exe.

What can I do to stop Sophos Endpoint from to apply the lockdown event to those specific exe file? 

Thank you very much

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  • Are you able to post a couple of 911 Application Event log entries for the detections? 

    There is a filter called "HitmanPro.Alert Events" for convenience. 

    Maybe copy the full details of a couple:

    Paste that to a new text document and share those.


  • Thank you for the fast reply.

    I uploaded two 911 Events from the event log.

  • The "Process based thumbprint" - 50f95a287eb578ff8490ffb403b2a58b2661fa39c0013d923bd046d55641ed1e, is the same for both detections, I assume that is the same for all? Using that will exempt the process WorkspacesDesktop.exe from Lockdown mitigations. 

    Downloading an exe via the browser (Edge in this case) and running looks a bit dodgy I suppose when it starts launching PowerShell.

    The primary detection ID/thumbprint is changing, I suspect due to the command line changing:

    powershell.exe -NoProfile -NonInteractive (New-Object -ComObject shell.application).NameSpace('C:\Users\MMustermann\Workspaces\Workspace2').Self.InvokeVerb('pintohome')

    - powershell.exe -NoProfile -NonInteractive (New-Object -ComObject shell.application).NameSpace('C:\Users\MMustermann\Workspaces\OP Test WS').Self.InvokeVerb('pintohome')

    This is the type you can add the Process thumbprint.

    Does that stop them?


  • Thank you so far for the hint with the thumbprint ID. I added it to the exclusions and will inform the users they should try again. 

    I scrolled through my already 20+ made Lockdown exclusions made from the event log for the WorkspaceDesktop.exe and checked the thumprint IDs. It seems they have all a different ID. 














    and so on. 

    Is there really no way to simple exlude the WorkspaceDesktop.exe from the detection ?

    My exlusion list looks something like this and this cant be the solution :D 

  • I can see why the primary thumbprint, which is passed up to the exclusion workflow is different. 

    Out if interest, If you go to this exclusion type:

    Can you find the application in that list, if so you can disable "Lockdown New File" mitigation for it?

    The other option, is to prevent the DLL being injected into the process:
    C:\Program Files\CONTACT Workspaces Desktop\bin\WorkspacesDesktop.exe


    or using the variable for program files.  Just type a $ and it will show the available ones.

  • Thank you again for the help.

    The Application was not in the list but I entered it manually with $programfiles variable and without. 

    I have the feeling that this is/was the solution.

    I will again tell the users to test again and than I will wait. 

    If the error is not appearing again, I will come back and mark your reply as solution Slight smile