Install Sophos endpoint on devices with multiple NIC/IPs

Hi, I need to install Sophos endpoint on some computers with a particular situation, description below:

  • These computers have 2 or 3 IP addresses, each belonging to a different network.
  • They are shared between employees from different companies, and each employee connects to a different network.
  • Each company has a particular server acting as a Sophos message relay/update cache, to which they usually connect their devices.

Ideally, we want to connect each IP to their corresponding server, but this will mean multiple installations on the same device, which I am sure is bound to end in trouble.

I would like to know how should I approach this problem.

Thank you.

  • Hi CarlosLS,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum. 

    It is possible to point the Sophos installation to a specific Message Relay & Update Cache by using the command-line, or by specifying from Sophos Central on the specific MR&UC's page that this new device should connect to the specified MR&UC. 
    - SophosSetup.exe --messagerelays= <hostname or IP address(es)>

    Select the button net to "Using Cache" (No devices) then select "Manual Assignment"


    While the type of deployment you mention is not something we typically see, one way you could accommodate for this environment is to have 3 different user accounts on the device, along with a specific log on script for each user's account. The log-on script will need to trigger a "SophosSetup.exe" package that corresponds to each company's specific Sophos Central account.

    When the script runs, ensure to include the switch "--registeronly" as a full installation will not be necessary, you will only need to re-register the device to each Central account. The installed components can remain. 
    SophosSetup.exe --registeronly --messagerelays=<site 1 mr&uc>

    If you are a Sophos Partner, using the generic installer package while specifying the corresponding customer ID will also work. I'd suggest testing this method first, using exe's corresponding to each respective customer account may be easier. 

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Hi CarlosLS,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum. 

    It is possible to point the Sophos installation to a specific Message Relay & Update Cache by using the command-line, or by specifying from Sophos Central on the specific MR&UC's page that this new device should connect to the specified MR&UC. 
    - SophosSetup.exe --messagerelays= <hostname or IP address(es)>

    Select the button net to "Using Cache" (No devices) then select "Manual Assignment"


    While the type of deployment you mention is not something we typically see, one way you could accommodate for this environment is to have 3 different user accounts on the device, along with a specific log on script for each user's account. The log-on script will need to trigger a "SophosSetup.exe" package that corresponds to each company's specific Sophos Central account.

    When the script runs, ensure to include the switch "--registeronly" as a full installation will not be necessary, you will only need to re-register the device to each Central account. The installed components can remain. 
    SophosSetup.exe --registeronly --messagerelays=<site 1 mr&uc>

    If you are a Sophos Partner, using the generic installer package while specifying the corresponding customer ID will also work. I'd suggest testing this method first, using exe's corresponding to each respective customer account may be easier. 

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
    Connect with Sophos Support, get alerted, and be informed.
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