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how to exclude application from HMPA DLLHijackGuard

We have an application that is found safe from Sophos Labs Team.

How would I exclude it in Central?

I have disabled all features on the endpoint as a test and it is still detected. Excluded the process path. No luck.

Mitigation   DLLHijack
Policy       DLLHijackGuard
Timestamp    2024-04-25T08:10:10

Platform     10.0.22631/x64 v3 06_ba*
PID          12588
Enabled      0BF820B040000000
Silent       0080000000000000
Application  C:\Program Files\Snipaste-1.16.2-x64\Snipaste.exe
Created      2024-04-24T08:13:57
Modified     2018-01-21T16:17:13
Description  Snipaste 1.16.2


\??\C:\Program Files\Snipaste-1.16.2-x64\MSVCR120.dll blocked from loading, loading from \??\C:\Windows\system32\ instead

Process Trace
1  C:\Program Files\Snipaste-1.16.2-x64\Snipaste.exe [12588]
2  C:\Windows\explorer.exe [11288] *

Module based thumbprint (pfn-mod)
Process based thumbprint (pfn)

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