blizzard game clash

I wonder if anyone can help me, I am a user of Sophos Intercept X Essentials Endpoint.

As of the middle of February there was an automatic update to one of my products: Core Agent / Sophos Intercept X / Device Encryption which meant that I could no longer access various battlenet games on my computer (world or warcraft and heroes of the storm)


I contacted my IT support who manage the Sophos products on my computer as I had found others with a similar issue online, and sent the following email to them:



''I am having some issues with a personal program clashing with the latest update of the Sophos software from the middle of Feb. Apparently, the issue has been reported to Sophos and they have released a revised software update, versions:

|Sophos Intercept X| |FTS 2023.2.1.16-MR1|

|Device Encryption| |FTS 2023.2.1.6-MR1|


I’m currently running

|Sophos Intercept X| |FTS 2023.2.1.16|

|Device Encryption| |FTS 2023.2.1.6|


I’m currently running the standard released versions of these patches. would you be able to update my PC (not laptop) to the above MR1maintenance release versions, or alternatively are you able to grant me admin rights to the Sophos app so that I can add in exceptions? Sophos advise the below steps are apparently how to add the software package(FTS).

Go to Sophos Central → Global Settings → Software package → Click (Add Software) → Copy the Software token from the shared article (1db71707-9ceb-5a43-833f-2599a9133c76) . → Click Save. Go to Sophos Central → Server/ Endpoint Protection → Policies → Add Policies( Update Management) → Settings → Windows (Add latest software package) Details of Packages.



Thanks in advance''


I was told by the IT support that they had contacted sophos support but unfortunately the Intercept X Essentials package is not able to install maintenance packages.


They subsequently added application exceptions for both of the games but this has not worked in allowing me to access the programs.



Do you 1) know when there will be a further update to whichever of the following products (Core Agent / Sophos Intercept X / Device Encryption) that would be causing the restriction to the games

or 2) do you know if there is a way for either the maintenance package to be installed, or if there is another way to add the exception for the games?



Thank you in advance

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[edited by: Gladys at 11:10 AM (GMT -7) on 24 Apr 2024]
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  • they have stopped replying to me in private messages as well. After suggesting it would be fixed in April i have heard nothing since.

    it's really frustrating as this is effecting thousands of viewers, hence the 8000 plus views to this topic, and the thousands more posts on the blizzard forum post, and a lot of people are patiently waiting for a fix.

    Any update Sophos?!?!?!

  • Hi David1122,

    Apologies I was not able to get back to you sooner. When testing the latest releases of Sophos Endpoint, it appears this issue has re-emerged. 

    Could you and/or ANeusta open a support case related to this issue? Please provide the support case number so I may add relevant context where necessary. 

    If you require an immediate solution, you can add an exploit mitigation exclusion from Sophos Central for the particular game executable that launches. Additional information on adding this type of exclusion can be found at the following link. 
    - Exclude an application

    The easiest way I found to obtain the full path/exe needed for the exclusion is to:

    1. Open Task Manager
    2. Launch the game/app
    3. Expand ","
    4. Right-click the application (e.g., Wow) to view the properties of the application.
    5. Populate the full "Location" and "exe" into the exclusion UI.

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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