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Lost tamper protection password Server 2022

Hi Sophos Community,

Can anyone point me to the steps to uninstall sophos from a 2022 server when the TP password in the Central Dashboard wont work.

I've tried the steps here but 2022 doesn't give me command prompt at advanced reboot unlike 2019.

I'm a bit stumped now.

Thanks in advance


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  • Hello Vincent,

    Thank you for reaching out to the community forum.

    You mentioned that you don’t see the command prompt when you go to Advance Option. Are you stating that you only have limited options which you can select? 
    By default, you’ll see at least 5-6 options, like the one shown in the snapshot below.

    If the above speculations are true to what you're currently seeing. There's a high chance that WinRE in your environment is disabled. In order to Enable this one, you need to run "reagentc /enable" This will enable WinRE on your device. Once enabled you can now proceed on running the steps given on the link you've shared to start disabling TP. 

    Glenn ArchieSeñas (GlennSen)
    Global Community Support Engineer

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