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Hello everyone,

Is anyone else getting "High-Risk" detections "WIN-INI-PRC-NODE-SPAWN-SUSP-PROCESS-1" from Adobe Creative Cloud?

"parent_path": "C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Creative Cloud Experience\\libs\\node.exe"


"parent_cmdline": "\"C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Creative Cloud Experience\\libs\\node.exe\" \"C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Creative Cloud Experience\\js\\main.js\""


"path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe"

"cmdline": "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe /d /s /c \"schtasks /create /tn \"Launch Adobe CCXProcess\" /tr \"\\\"C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Creative Cloud Experience\\CCXProcess.exe\\\"\" /sc daily /st 09:05 -f\""



Interestingly, this is the first time I've seen this detection. Creative Cloud has been installed on a some devices for years.

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  • Thanks to those who reported this. SophosLabs has a new detection release going out soon that should avoid generating these Creative Cloud high-risk detections during normal use.

    Going forward, the SophosLabs team is discussing how best to allow customers to submit concerns about "noisy" detection rules. In addition, we have a feature on the XDR roadmap that will allow customers to suppress detections they don't want to keep seeing. This is currently projected to ship next quarter (April to June), though roadmaps are always subject to change.

  • Thanks to those who reported this. SophosLabs has a new detection release going out soon that should avoid generating these Creative Cloud high-risk detections during normal use.

    Going forward, the SophosLabs team is discussing how best to allow customers to submit concerns about "noisy" detection rules. In addition, we have a feature on the XDR roadmap that will allow customers to suppress detections they don't want to keep seeing. This is currently projected to ship next quarter (April to June), though roadmaps are always subject to change.

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