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Disk SSD SATA 100% with Intecept X

Dear All:

Along with saying hello and hoping that you have enjoyed a nice end-of-year holiday with your families, write to ask them the following:
Our company has Sophos Intercept 100%. Strangely it is not just the Sophos processes that take the disk to 100%, but it is random between
the programs that are running (including Sophos processes). If we uninstall Sophos Intercept, the computer responds quickly again and does
not have disk crashes. Has it happened to anyone else? Any idea how to fix it? In advance thanks a lot for your response

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  • Hi Andres,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum. 

    I suggest creating either "File or Folder" exclusions or "Process" exclusions for the trusted directories or processes which are being hit the hardest on your device. 

    Process exclusions will generally be the most effective as they prevent scanning on all operations for the given exe. 

    If you wish to create a File or Folder exclusion, I suggest using the additional log collection options in the Endpoint Self-Help Tool. 

    • Open the Endpoint Self Help Tool
    • Go to the "Tools" tab on the top
    • Go to the "Prodduct Logging" tab
    • Expand the drop-down next to "SFS"
    • Next to "Scan Summaries" select Debug
    • Save

    Once done, you'll find an additional log in the directory "C:\ProgramData\Sophos\Sophos File Scanner\Logs" by the name of "summary.XXXXXXXX.csv". You can re-create the issue and import this file into Excel to see which directories are being hit the hardest with scanning operations. 

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Hi Andres,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum. 

    I suggest creating either "File or Folder" exclusions or "Process" exclusions for the trusted directories or processes which are being hit the hardest on your device. 

    Process exclusions will generally be the most effective as they prevent scanning on all operations for the given exe. 

    If you wish to create a File or Folder exclusion, I suggest using the additional log collection options in the Endpoint Self-Help Tool. 

    • Open the Endpoint Self Help Tool
    • Go to the "Tools" tab on the top
    • Go to the "Prodduct Logging" tab
    • Expand the drop-down next to "SFS"
    • Next to "Scan Summaries" select Debug
    • Save

    Once done, you'll find an additional log in the directory "C:\ProgramData\Sophos\Sophos File Scanner\Logs" by the name of "summary.XXXXXXXX.csv". You can re-create the issue and import this file into Excel to see which directories are being hit the hardest with scanning operations. 

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
    Connect with Sophos Support, get alerted, and be informed.
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