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Mac Endpoint different settings for "Full Disk Access"


we are running several MacbookPro with M1 or M2 Chip.

I am wondering that identical Macbooks (M2 running Sonoma) having differnt settings regarding Sophos in the Full Disk Access menu.

For example Sophos CryptoGuard is running on all of them by the default policie.

After installation of Sophos i am asked to drag the Sophos Icon into Full Disk Access menu. Only 1 out of 3 identical Macbooks got an entry for the CryptoGuard.

no crypto

I also notice some Services are added but not switched on. I am having a bit trouble explaining this to my CEO. 

Is there any rules or documentation, what services are added to the Full Disk Access Menu when draging the icon.

Best regards...


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  • Hi JanBelz,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum. 

    May I ask which specific operating system your devices are running? Some issues have been found with Sonoma version 14.2, which our development team is actively working to resolve, but 14.0 should not encounter any issues. 

    Regarding why ScanD is not yet running, I'd suggest checking the following document to verify if you need to navigate into different sub-menus (Step 2) within the Security Preferences page. 
    - Security permissions on macOS

    Was Sophos installed previously on any of these devices, or is this the first installation? 

    Allow me some time to inquire into the SophosCryptoguard entry and I will update you here.

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Hi Kushal Lakhan,

    thank you for your Reply.

    The Macbooks I checked are running Sonoma 14.1.2 on Apple M1 or M2.

    We are using Sophos on Mac for years now. I install it before the device is given to the user. Of course I allow that security permissions. Regarding Sophos Central there is no issue with ScanD, all services are shown green.

    Just the entrys in the "Full Disk Access" menu are confusing. Would be fine to know what Sophos services should be in there.

    Best regards

    Jan Belz