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Intercept X Advanced for Server with XDR

Hi. We have Intercept X Advanced for Server with XDR on Windows 2012 Server Std ( not very fresh stuff ) and Intercept X Advanced for endpoints.

My Q is: if I go for a vulnerability scanning on the server with - say tools like Nessus - should I got blocked or what?
The concern here is related to an eventually further attempt of intrusion or penetration attack.
That's kind of a broad and generic question, I know. So thank you in advance for any useful answer or suggestion.


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  • Are you asking if Intercept X will block the Nessus scan? The answer is likely no. I'm not sure the IPS engine in Intercept X even runs on Windows 2012 Server. Even if it did, I don't think the product has rules to block port scans.

  • Are you asking if Intercept X will block the Nessus scan? The answer is likely no. I'm not sure the IPS engine in Intercept X even runs on Windows 2012 Server. Even if it did, I don't think the product has rules to block port scans.

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