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chromedriver ransomeware alert


One of our machines is generating this alerts when user is trying to run automations on the chromedriver. It says ransomeware detected. CryptoGuard trying to encrypt files. Can someone please assist or have experienced the same. Let me know what to do and how to resolve it. 

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  • Hi Jayesh,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum. 

    I suggest checking the detection details in Event ID 911 in the Windows Application Event log. You can also find the same information in Sophos Central by clicking the "Details" button on the detection event. 

    If the observed operations match what the automation is programmed to do exactly, then the app/automation may be working as intended, and an exclusion can be considered. 

    If you can provide the event details here, I can try to advise further. A similar topic was raised in the thread I linked below, the details shared may provide more insight into why/how these detections are generated. 
    - False positive for javaw.exe

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Thank you for the quick response. Please see the details below as required. 

    Detection ID: 2b5938aa6d63a60c085f3011d7995bc9937b967a80ff9607335d907cc223bf2c

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