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Uninstall Sophos 10.8 via script for all workstations


we are trying to uninstall the Sophos 10.8 form all workstations. Is there any script that we can run. Please share it 

thanks in advance 

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  • I assume you are trying to remove the older on-premise version given the version you mention?

    Are you migrating from SEC managed on-prem to Sophos Central?

    Can you run the following PS on a computer to see what's installed? Maybe paste the result.  Thanks

    'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' | %{
    foreach ($Product in (Get-ItemProperty $_)) {
    if ($Product.Publisher -match "Sophos"){
    $data += [PSCustomObject]@{
    DisplayName = $product.DisplayName
    Version = $Product.DisplayVersion
    UninstallString = $product.uninstallstring
    }}}};$data | ogv