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Sophos Migrate Pending

Anyone know why when migrate from SEC to sophos center, the status always 'pending' even more than 4 hours?

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  • You can find more information on migration states at the following link. 
    - Computer readiness and migration status

    The administrator has chosen to migrate the computer, but migration hasn't started yet.

    If the device has remained in this state for an extended period, you may want to try checking the updating logs or the communication logs on the device. Ensure that it's both updating correctly to connect with the Update Manager to receive the updated install packages for Sophos Central, and communicating back with the Server so the Migration tool status can be updated. 

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • You can find more information on migration states at the following link. 
    - Computer readiness and migration status

    The administrator has chosen to migrate the computer, but migration hasn't started yet.

    If the device has remained in this state for an extended period, you may want to try checking the updating logs or the communication logs on the device. Ensure that it's both updating correctly to connect with the Update Manager to receive the updated install packages for Sophos Central, and communicating back with the Server so the Migration tool status can be updated. 

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
    Connect with Sophos Support, get alerted, and be informed.
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