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DynamicShellCode - Event Log Service

I am getting hundreds of these error messages. Uninstalling and reinstalling Sophos hasn't helped.

What can I do to either stop these messages or fix the root cause?

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  • Thank you for reaching the community forum.

    Can you share with us more details about this detection? Can you check which application triggered this detection and its path on your central dashboard? Based on the event, this detection is Shellcode (DynamicShellcode) Exploit which is being detected by our Dynamic Shell code protection under Intercept X. To further understand what this exploit is and how our feature works, I'll share this Documentation

    Glenn ArchieSeñas (GlennSen)
    Global Community Support Engineer

    The New Home of Sophos Support Videos!  Visit Sophos Techvids
  • Thank you for reaching the community forum.

    Can you share with us more details about this detection? Can you check which application triggered this detection and its path on your central dashboard? Based on the event, this detection is Shellcode (DynamicShellcode) Exploit which is being detected by our Dynamic Shell code protection under Intercept X. To further understand what this exploit is and how our feature works, I'll share this Documentation

    Glenn ArchieSeñas (GlennSen)
    Global Community Support Engineer

    The New Home of Sophos Support Videos!  Visit Sophos Techvids