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Sophos Endpoint using 50GB of Ram on Clients

Not sure what has happened Sophos was asking for a reboot dure to an update on many computer last week and this week machines are being crippled.

50GB of memory usage, alerts in Windows were out of Virtual memory (When is the last time you ever thought about virtual memory in Windows, XP, 2000 Pro?)

Looking at a memory usage over time I can see Sophos is grabbing all the memory on machines for hours at time releasing it for 30 min or so then taking it all back.  This eventually turned the screen black and could no longer interact with the desktop

I had it happen on another machine and the screens go black then come back but last work someone has done is gone, i.e. In Excel she filled out data in a few cells and when the Screens came back those cells were empty.  It is repeatable.

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  • Hi Qoosh,

    So to address all questions: 

    Maxim - Yes Splashtop is installed on all machines, it is part of the Atera RMM solution and has been installed for 4 or 5 years and different versions of Sophos.  I did  not know it was a Known issue, as that has never copped up as an issue before.

    RichardP - No I have not opened a support case yet, I thought I would try the forum first as it seemed to begin happening after a recent Sophos update and I assumed I would not be the only one who had seen the issue.  I'll get a case opened.

    Qoosh - Yes I have added Autodesk exclusions, however the document you linked was from May 2023, so I'll confirm there are no new folders or extensions to be excluded.
