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Unable to download files from Onedrive

Hi. We have multiple users who are not able to download the file from one drive to to the PC. Another error occurred when trying to download. Refer to below screenshot. But when we try to select either "Try again" "Skip" or "cancel, it will still download the file.  And i found out that if i were to de-select the real file scanner, this error will not occurred. Please advise how to resolve this issue? Thanks. 

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  • The curious thing is that Sophos version hasn't changed if you are seeing this as a recent issue.

    Do you have a history of the version of OneDrive client? 

    Did that update recently and tie in with the problem?

    Does it only affect Win 11 or do you also see it with W10?

    Id you leave real-time scanning on in policy and just disable tamper protection for the test device does that also work?

    The odd thing is, I am getting this problem without Sophos installed.

    If I run, to take the file offline either via right-click ("Free up space" or run: attrib .\1.xml +U)

    Double click on it in Explorer I get:

    The file is downloaded fine and "Try again" opens fine.

    If from the command, having taken it offline again, from the prompt I run:
    type .\1.xml
    It displays fine first time.

    Another file, same directory: test txt file is fine. It opens in Notepad fine first time! Neither file are large and both .xml and .txt are configured to open with Notepad.

    Do you find the extension is significant or is it all files?

    Forcing them to be locally available always (attrib *.* +P) does the trick of course but it should work on demand. Really odd.

    Update as another test, if I make a copy of 1.xml and rename the copy to 1.txt.  Despite the files being the same, the 1.xml fails but the 1.txt opens fine. Both .txt and .xml are associated with Notepad:

    fc.exe 1.txt 1.xml /offline
    Comparing files 1.txt and 1.XML
    FC: no differences encountered

    That pulls both files first time and says they are the same as expected.

    Take them offline:
    attrib +U 1.txt
    attrib +U 1.xml

    The .XML fails with:

    So weird, I hav to think there is either a OneDrive or OS bug going on here.

  • Hi. I have send in a support request to sophos. it seems that there are others also encountering the same issue, thus now waiting for them to come out with a solution. But thanks for your troubleshooting too. It is very weird too. So if u off the tamper protection or the real time file scanning, this error will not appear or if u try to open via a application. For example if u open the adobe reader, from there u open the pdf file, there is no issue. The only error will appear if u open it from window explorer. Very puzzle why it happen like tat.

  • Hi. I have send in a support request to sophos. it seems that there are others also encountering the same issue, thus now waiting for them to come out with a solution. But thanks for your troubleshooting too. It is very weird too. So if u off the tamper protection or the real time file scanning, this error will not appear or if u try to open via a application. For example if u open the adobe reader, from there u open the pdf file, there is no issue. The only error will appear if u open it from window explorer. Very puzzle why it happen like tat.

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